About minimal meaningful infrastructure of the space industry.

Q: Do we have some guesses on the minimal infrastructure necessary, on the lunar surface and/or lunar orbit, to start developing and testing NTRs and fission-powered electric/ion drives there? Total tonnage, specific kinds of payloads/ equipment there, are there minable sites for various specific raw materials that happen to be close to each other on Luna … More About minimal meaningful infrastructure of the space industry.

Strategy of actions when you see alien von Neuman Probes in your skys.

source Premise: As of 2018 does humanity have any claim to the Sol system (other than Earth)? If another species started mining and disassembling parts of the solar system today without contacting us –  1) What would your personal response be?  2) Do you think the newcomers are in the wrong? *taking notes for my … More Strategy of actions when you see alien von Neuman Probes in your skys.

Life importance. Probabilities and rights.

source Premise: On the idea that’s it’s “imperialistic” to want to colonize space: When the aborigines did a prehistoric megaproject consisting in crossing a sea to colonize the asteroid called Australia, sixty thousand years ago, were they being imperialists? By that logic it was even worse than colonizing a lifeless planet or asteroid, because Australia … More Life importance. Probabilities and rights.

Relations between Earth economics, Space economics, response to a discussion.

 It is a response to a conversation on FB, and the conversation will be below. Main four points are as a premise. 1>At that point a major war can break out because you need resources that are controlled by someone else. 2> But the global economy is no more there. 3> You can’t wait for … More Relations between Earth economics, Space economics, response to a discussion.

The plan. The ghost of the ghost plan.

Moon Launch payload to land on moon – 400t or less, in 1000t range. Teleoperate equipment, establish initial capabilities to collect energy Establish production capabilities to grow energy collectors, produce collectors IRSU Establish production capabilities to produce most of the hardware for teleoperated equipment, teleoperate assembly line for it Grow available materials collection capabilities(0.5% wt … More The plan. The ghost of the ghost plan.

What would come first, the colonization of the solar system or interstellar colonization?

What is given? Humans have a practical problem, they need living space. But for how many? How fast population grows? As for the first question, some believe that for Earth 1 billion (109109) people is ok, and what is above is excess, there are bunch other believers. But solving the problem is to solve the … More What would come first, the colonization of the solar system or interstellar colonization?